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For Members: Your username is your 9 digit card number. If your card number isn’t 9 digits, please add 2 zeros to the beginning.
Your initial password is your birthday in the following format: MMDDYYYY (ex. 03141976).

For Contractors: Please use your username and password provided by the local union. Please call our office if you need assistance with your username Or password.

News & Events
Steamfitters UA Local 449 is proudly hosting the Pennsylvania Pipe Trades Apprentice Competition on Tuesday March 29, 7:30 a.m.- 3:30 p.m. and Wednesday March 30, 7:30 a.m.- 3:30 p.m.
Steamfitters 449 constantly strives for the advancement of success for the future, and that includes its commitment to community career and tech centers teaching our youth.
Recent statistics indicate that there are only about 260,000 HVAC technicians in the workforce, and the number of needed jobs is over 80,000.
The Local 449 hosted its Grand Opening in February 2022. Everyone who attended enjoyed the modern event space and catering services.
The Steamfitters Apprenticeship trains individuals for a life long career in the trades that is well paid with fantastic benefits.

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interested in the steamfitters? steamfitters?

You can join the steamfitters as an apprentice. Experienced technicians are also encouraged to inquire about placement opportunities.

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