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For Members: Your username is your 9 digit card number. If your card number isn’t 9 digits, please add 2 zeros to the beginning.
Your initial password is your birthday in the following format: MMDDYYYY (ex. 03141976).

For Contractors: Please use your username and password provided by the local union. Please call our office if you need assistance with your username Or password.

News & Events
At Local 449, apprentices learn how to design with CAD on industry-defining programs like Revit, AutoDesk, and AutoCAD.
Over the years, we've received tons of photos from around western PA, but also Boston, Minnesota, Utah, California, and even Canada!
The connections and knowledge gathered from our region's best tradesmen over the competition will be invaluable to our apprentices as they begin their paths as journeymen this year.
Qualifying for the apprenticeship program does not depend on previous skills or work experience, but rather on an applicant's readiness to learn, work, and be a part of the Local 449 brotherhood.
While Labor Day may be the first holiday that comes to mind when thinking about the steamfitters, Local 449 wants to celebrate and share Memorial Day’s special significance for its members.

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interested in the steamfitters? steamfitters?

You can join the steamfitters as an apprentice. Experienced technicians are also encouraged to inquire about placement opportunities.

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