we have over a century training the most highly skilled industry technicians

Over the past several decades, the United Association’s training programs have produced a stable, skilled workforce responsible for building and maintaining piping systems in the various industrial and residential facilities that make up the North American landscape.

$300 million

annual training expenditure

The UA spends over $300 million annually on training programs efforts.


Local Training Facilities

There are over 400 training facilities across the U.S. and Canada teaching classes.


Journeymen & apprentices

About 358,000 union members as well as some nonunion members participate in trainings.

Tools & Resources

UpGrade Your Skills

We have knowledgeable instructors that can train you on a variety of equipment and prepare you to work on even the most complex commercial systems. 

Steamfitters Title Over Large Mechanical Room

local 449 state of the art training facility

The Steamfitters Technology Center for Local 449 excels in bringing unparalleled instruction with the latest technology so that members are prepared for any challenges a job may present. Instruction is offered year round.

what you will learn

what you will learn


building trades & HVAC-R services

Steamfitters Local 449 offers two career paths. Determining your concentration will impact the types of skills you learn and your overall journey in the trades.

Building Trades: Program instruction covers the installation of commercial and industrial process piping systems. Welding certification plays a big part in the education process in this program.

HVAC-R Services: Also called the “Mechanical Equipment Service Program” or MES, this discipline covers the servicing of residential, commercial and industrial air conditioning and refrigeration systems, control system troubleshooting, Steam and Hydronic boiler system maintenance and servicing.

2022 Apprentice Applications will be held at the Steamfitters Technology Center starting Monday, June 6th and ending Saturday, June 25th.

Both BT and MES accelerated courses are unpaid during the 10 & 18 week programs. Once complete, you will go to work with one of our contractors as a 1st year apprentice.

All apprenticeship training is free. The only cost is the initial $50 application fee.

As a 1st year apprentice, you will earn roughly $19.25/hr. plus health coverage for you and your family.


Photo of Tom Doran

Thomas doran

Director of Building Trades Education

Brad Tisdale Headshot

Brad Tisdale

Director of HVAC-R Training

Kiersten Broadbent

Administrative Assistant


Established in 1913


232 Wise Road, Suite 200
Harmony, PA 16037

Phone: (412) 381-1133

Fax: (412) 381-7875


230 Wise Road, Suite 201
Harmony, PA 16037

Phone: (412) 481-0333

Fax: (412) 481-6416

Erie Satellite Office

32 West 8th St., Suite 501
Erie, PA 16501

Phone: (814) 454-5324

Copyright © 2022 UA449 Pittsburgh Steamfitters. All Rights Reserved.

account sign in

For Members: Your username is your 9 digit card number. If your card number isn’t 9 digits, please add 2 zeros to the beginning.
Your initial password is your birthday in the following format: MMDDYYYY (ex. 03141976).

For Contractors: Please use your username and password provided by the local union. Please call our office if you need assistance with your username Or password.

Contact us about your event